(406) 495-9250

What to Expect When You Come

Sunday Services
Each Sunday we have two services (9am & 11am). Our dress is casual, our atmosphere is family friendly, our coffee is pretty good, and our view of the mountains from the sanctuary is amazing. We begin our services with Praise and Worship, because Psalm 100 says to “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise.” Following the music we hear a message from the Word of God, the Bible. Our services typically last about an hour. Don’t be surprised when we don’t pass the plate and take an offering during the service. There are two boxes near the back doors where we put our offerings. There is a nursery staffed by volunteers during the service.

Bible Study
Between services each week we have a short Bible Study led by a different man in the church. Typically we go verse by verse through books of the Bible for this study. At the same time, there is a Sunday School class for kids in one of the back rooms. These classes include a few songs (usually with motions), a flannel graph Bible story, and a library of missionary stories.

Men’s Prayer (Sunday Morning)
From 7:30 to 8:30 we have a Men’s Prayer hour, where we pray for our church families, our time together as part of the church of Helena, other assemblies of believers, our community, our nation, and the world, as God accomplishes His purposes and advances His Kingdom.

On the first Sunday of the month we share Communion at the end of each service, remembering Jesus’ shed blood and broken body for our sins and our redemption. This is a celebration of His sacrifice and His victory and we invite you and your children to join us as long as you are a believer, and profess His Lordship. If you’re not, then let’s talk!

Wednesday Nights
On Wednesdays at 7pm we come together for a midweek service with worship, prayer, and teaching from
the Word. We also have a youth group that meets on Wednesday nights. The youth join in the sanctuary
during the music, and then head outside or to the pole barn for a sports activity and a message from the

Men’s Bible Study
Every Monday from 6am to 7am, a group of men meet at Shellie’s Country Cafe’ to study a book of the Bible and pray for one another, and have breakfast or a cup of coffee before the workday. This is not a closed group and you are more than welcome to come, even if you aren’t yet a believer. This would be a great place to come and ask questions. In fact, you are welcome to bring questions to any of our gatherings. You are more than welcome to just show up and find us, or if you would like to call ahead of time, or have any questions, call Caleb at (406) 241-5366.

Small Groups
There are a whole host of small groups that meet throughout the week and at various times throughout the year, such as several Bible studies, Women’s Bible Study, Blackpowder Group, Quilting Group,
Crafting Group and plenty more. Please refer to our Church Calendar to see what’s going on during the week or call us at 406-495-9250.