(406) 495-9250

Missions Summit

Since 2006, every year at the end of January, Last Chance Chapel hosts our Missions Summit. This is a four day event where missionaries from around the world come to share their passion for their mission fields and be refreshed by the body of Christ in Helena. Several churches in Helena and throughout the states take part in this gathering of believers as we herald the call to Go into all the world and preach the gospel.

Missions Summit 2025 January 26-29, 2025

Evening Services Sunday through Wednesday

Our evening sessions start at 7 pm at the church with corporate praise and worship Each night we present our missionaries and hear just a little about the countries where they are serving. Then a guest speaker will share a stirring word that always challenges us to step out in faith and see things as God sees them.

Fireside Chats (10am —12pm Monday through Wednesday)

Our Fireside Chats are the nerve center of the Summit. Here is where we gather around the fireplace, pray together and missionaries fresh from their fields share their hearts, challenges, victories and defeats in a laid-back atmosphere.

Montana Style Meals

Before the services, we begin with hearty, Big Sky meals. Breakfast is at 8:30am at the church, and supper is from 4:30 — 6:00 pm over at the the LCC Lodge on Three Mile Road.

Missions Offerings

Since day one in 1996, LCC has always taken the first 10% of all its income received through tithes & offerings, and invested that into world missions. When someone gives to any of these missionaries through LCC, 100% of that designated offering goes to that missionary. Please note that we do not pass a plate. All offerings can be made using the two boxes on the back wall in the sanctuary. Please specify which missionary your gift is for, or it can be to our general missions fund.

You can give online by clicking on the image below